You are responsible for transferring your rego to another person.

IMPORTANT:  Make sure the person you are trying to buy a rego from is listed in the Who’s Cumming page on this website.  If he/she isn’t, then he/she isn’t rego’d and has nothing to transfer to you.

If you do find another party to take it over, once the transaction has been completed, email us at with the following information:

  • transferer full nerd name
  • transferer hash name
  • transferee (receiver)
    • full nerd name
    • full hash name
    • physical address
    • phone number
    • email address
    • meal preference – carnivore, vegetarian, vegan, glutard
  • screen shot or some other confirmation of payment transfer from both parties

PLEASE NOTE:  Rego transfer amounts should be for the original amount paid or less.  That amount should be $79, $89, or $99.  If the receiver has any concerns about which amount was paid, he/she can reach out to us at