Hotel Info

Hotel reservations will be activated as of TBD. We request that you coordinate with the hotel directly for your room reservation.

There will be a code sent out to registered hashers prior to the reservation activations.


**Please call the front desk as their online system does not support the group code and discount.**

Group Rate Information

All rooms single king or double queen are $TBA per night.

Mismanagement has negotiated a group rate for the weekend of TBA.

This group rate also extends to  Thursday and Monday the day before and after the event for those that cant get enough of Phoenix and our crazy antics.

Please keep in mind that muggles will be present on Thursday, Sunday after check out and Monday, so you’ll have to behave.

The Hotel is excited we are using their facilities this year and have been extremely welcoming of our shenanigans which is a plus! But… there will be some rules of conduct that we will need to follow and will be included in a Welcome to RDR 2020 email that will be received prior to the event.

Hotel Reservation Cancellations
The hotel will be responsible for all transfers and cancellations for this event.

About the New Hotel:

Escape to the Valley of the Sun where you will be greeted by the Garden of Eden!

Sunday, TBA check-out is at 11AM!!! We recommend checking out of your room prior to going on the hangover trail that day.